AG Contact Centres are proud to collaborate with ‘E.P.I.C Dad’ in Suffolk!

During these challenging times, families need extra support, and this includes fathers. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, AG Contact Centres and Richard; the founder of ‘EPIC Dad' (Encourager, Provider, Instructor, Carer) had begun their collaboration on making specialist support more accessible to fathers in Suffolk. ‘EPIC Dad' is a Community Interest Company which aims to empower fathers through the provision of learning, support and leisure opportunities for them and their children. ‘EPIC Dad’ also provide a safe space for children to socialise with their peers whilst their fathers get to know other dads, resident in their area.

Richard runs fathers’ support groups out of their venue in Risby, Suffolk. At present, some of those groups are accessible through Zoom video-conferencing sessions. For more details, please contact Richard on 07717744608 or email

Most of the parents attending our Private Law child contact sessions are indeed fathers. AG Contact Centres is also a safe, respectful and supportive space for them and their children.

alex brenan